
Dev Notes

February 23, 2021

GraphQL Federation example updated to Chimp 3.0

We are happy to announce that the example showing many advanced patterns related to GraphQL usage is updated to Chimp 3.0

February 23, 2021

Rapid Prototyping with JavaScript

A video about rapid prototyping with JavaScript

February 12, 2021

Adding chimp 3 to an existing Application

This article is based on my notes from adding chimp to an existing app

February 12, 2021

How to fix the annoying "Ensure there is only one instance of graphql" error

If you have been doing serious work with GraphQL over the last few years, you surely saw this error at one time or another

January 31, 2021

Updating from Chimp 2 to 3

We've rewritten Chimp to use TypeScript and the fantastic CLI Framework called Oclif.

January 15, 2021

How to deal with inferred TypeScript types and stop using any

What do you do when you are in need to figure out a complex type?

January 10, 2021

How to never add WebStorm .idea folder to git ever again

Frequently when you work with an open-source repository you might accidentally commit your .idea folder to it.

January 8, 2021

How to pass a class to a function in TypeScript

An example of passing a class to a function in TypeScript

December 30, 2020

Testing with DynamoDB Toolbox

To do integration tests with your DynamoDB Toolbox setup, it's important to be able to run tests in isolations.

December 29, 2020

Creating Tables with DynamoDB Toolbox

I'm playing around with DynamoDB Toolbox, and one thing that wasn't clear in my mind was how do I actually create a table using the definitions I made using Toolbox.

November 27, 2020

Instantly update your Lambda functions (development)

Deploying the whole stack whenever you want to check your changes is tiresome and boring.

November 25, 2020

Centralize your AWS Lambda Errors

Having multiple independent lambda functions is great, but it comes with a price of difficult monitoring.