Testing with DynamoDB Toolbox
To do integration tests with your DynamoDB Toolbox setup, it's important to be able to run tests in isolations. Otherwise, different tests could set up the data in a way that breaks other tests. With parallel and randomized execution, this could lead to flaky tests. Flaky tests == sad developers and wasted time, so we definitely want to avoid that.
We will start with a simple example on the master branch, here:
If you want to jump to the code right away, go to branch "testing" or take a look at this pr ( https://github.com/xolvio/dynamodb-toolbox-examples/pull/2/files )
To achieve true isolation we need each test case to use a separate DynamoDB table. That means, we need to do the Table setup using a different table name.
If you prefer watching from reading, you can watch me here add the tests:
Currently, the src/Customer.ts file only exposes the Customer Entity and does not allow any kind of dynamic configuration. Let's create a function that will return that Customer Entity, but will allow taking a custom table.
export const Customer = new Entity({
name: "Customer",
attributes: { // ... },
table: MyTable,
export const getCustomerEntity = (table: Table) =>
new Entity({
name: "Customer",
attributes: {
id: { partitionKey: true }, // flag as partitionKey
sk: { hidden: true, sortKey: true }, // flag as sortKey and mark hidden
co: { alias: "company" }, // alias table attribute 'co' to 'company'
status: ["sk", 0], // composite key mapping
date_added: ["sk", 1], // composite key mapping
For backward compatibility and production-use, we want to still export the Customer Entity with the default to match what was exported before.
export const Customer = getCustomerEntity(MyTable);
We can customize what table the entity will use now. Now, we just need a way to customize that table. We will do it in a similar way.
const MyTable = new Table({
export const getToolboxTable = (
tableName?: string,
documentClient?: DynamoDB.DocumentClient
) =>
new Table({
name: tableName || dynamoSdkToToolbox(tableDefinition).name,
DocumentClient: documentClient || DocumentClient,
const MyTable = getToolboxTable();
This way we can pass custom tableName and documentClient.
Now we are able to use dynamodb-testing-tool to do some testing.
Install it first:
npm install --save-dev dynamodb-testing-tool
Let's create Customer.spec.ts and do some setup.
We will start with a single test:
test("Putting and getting a Customer", async () => {
First, we need to create an in-memory DynamoDB Table with a randomly generated name (to avoid collisions and achieve isolation):
import { createTable, generateRandomName } from "dynamodb-testing-tool";
import { tableDefinition } from "./tableDefinition";
test("Putting and getting a Customer", async () => {
const tableObject = await createTable({
TableName: generateRandomName(),
Now we want to get a Customer Entity that uses a ToolboxTable configured with that randomName and matching documentClient.
import { createTable, generateRandomName } from "dynamodb-testing-tool";
import { tableDefinition } from "./tableDefinition";
// Import the getter functions we made earlier:
import { getToolboxTable, getCustomerEntity } from "./Customer";
test("Putting and getting a Customer", async () => {
const tableObject = await createTable({
TableName: generateRandomName(),
// Declare and initialize the Customer variable here
const Customer = getCustomerEntity(
getToolboxTable(tableObject.tableName, tableObject.documentClient)
As you can see, the createTable function returns an object on which you can find the tableName (which we randomly generated) and the documentClient associated with that table.
Now we should be able to use our entity:
test("Putting and getting a Customer", async () => {
// ...
const item = {
id: 123,
company: "COMPANY_1",
status: "active",
date_added: "2020-04-24",
await Customer.put(item);
const itemToGet = {
id: 123,
status: "active",
date_added: "2020-04-24",
const response = await Customer.get(itemToGet);
But, so far we haven't really proved the isolation, we have one test, and we set up everything inside it.
Let's move the setup to an external function:
const getConfiguredEntity = async () => {
const tableObject = await createTable({
TableName: generateRandomName(),
return getCustomerEntity(
getToolboxTable(tableObject.tableName, tableObject.documentClient)
Your test should now only consist of the database operations logic:
test("Putting and getting a Customer", async () => {
const Customer = await getConfiguredEntity();
const item = {
id: 123,
company: "COMPANY_1",
status: "active",
date_added: "2020-04-24",
await Customer.put(item);
const itemToGet = {
id: 123,
status: "active",
date_added: "2020-04-24",
const response = await Customer.get(itemToGet);
We can add another test, that will use very similar items, with the same (conflicting) id, but different data. Let's tweak the company name:
test("Collisions should not be a problem", async () => {
const item = {
id: 123,
company: "COMPANY_2",
status: "active",
date_added: "2020-04-24",
await Customer.put(item);
const itemToGet = {
id: 123,
status: "active",
date_added: "2020-04-24",
const response = await Customer.get(itemToGet);
Green again! :)
Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts in the comments below.
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