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Peek into our quality faster mindset

See for yourself how we think about problems both from a high-level strategy and a low-level code point of view, and how it all fits together.

Confetti patternConfetti pattern
Confetti pattern
Confetti pattern
Confetti pattern
Confetti pattern


Our articles focus on high-level big picture problems where we explore domains that are prevalent and current in the industry. They are aimed at all team members that work within the product development lifecycle.

From fundamental first-principles to the meaning of quality, and from bug prevention strategies, to using CMS's in CI/CD pipelines. We hope you'll enjoy the big ideas within this section.

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Confetti pattern
Confetti pattern
Confetti pattern
Confetti pattern

Dev Notes

Here you will find the low-level detailed view of our development practices in action where we share our learnings as we work with our clients. This section is aimed mainly at developers and technical people.

You will read about a variety of subjects which include but are not limited to TypeScript, JavaScript, React, AWS, CDK, Testing, Mocking, Jest, Apollo, GraphQL - and more.

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Recent Posts

  • Event Storming: The Visual Requirements Facilitation Technique to Accelerate Software Design and Development

    An introduction to the fun and effective workshop technique that unlocks heightened levels of collaboration across silo and specialization boundaries.

  • Introducing GraphQL Schema Storming

    How to annotate user experiences in a collaborative fashion to facilitate and accelerate GraphQL schema design.

  • Escape and Xolvio Introduce GraphQL Security Review and Remediation Services

    Announcing our official partnership with Escape to help teams secure their GraphQL APIs.